Our business is branding, the lifeblood of any organisation. It requires a number of different skills.


Although the word “brand” derives from the Old Norse “brandr” meaning “to burn” which denoted the practice of producers burning their mark (or brand) onto their products, including cattle, branding in a modern business context has taken on a much broader meaning.

It is not simply a logo or corporate identity, it is not purely differentiation, nor is it to be confused with marketing. Branding covers every single thing about the product, service, location or experience that might denote the brand. Everything from the length of time it takes to get through a call answering system to the emotions conveyed by the people who work for an organisation have a fundamental effect on a brand and are part of the overall experience a brand delivers. Branding is everything.

If this sounds somewhat ethereal, it is. Brands are often included on balance sheets as intangible assets. However, examples such as Disney buying a loss making comics brand (Marvel) for $4bn is a very tangible demonstration of their value.

Unsurprisingly, world class brands are not easy to create. Branding is an art, that requires both inspiration and perspiration. The process of building a world class brand often includes:

  • Research – to unlock key insights
  • Strategy – to define, differentiate and guide the brand
  • Communication, both internal and external – to drive brand success

The Dent Consultancy specialises in each of these key areas, as part of our approach to branding.

Communication includes marketing and we produce marketing strategies and plans, as well as helping clients with specific marketing activities such as PR, social media, websites, digital marketing, ecommerce and SEO.

To discuss how we might be able to help you, please call us on +44 (0)1525 221016 or email branding@dentconsultancy.com.

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