Sharp brands know their customers, their competitors and their markets inside out. Research is invaluable in this understanding.


With time and budgets under ever increasing pressure, it’s so easy not to do research. Why spend the time or money?

In nearly 20 years of conducting research for our clients, the Dent Consultancy has yet to complete a piece of research that didn’t deliver new learnings, the majority of which have brought significant financial benefit.

Indeed, many of our clients would argue that if you have a specific business challenge to achieve, you can’t afford not to really understand the key issues and likely responses, before committing significant amounts of time and expenditure.

The research needs to be carefully planned and structured, conducted with the right people in the right situation and moderated with real skill and understanding, but done well, research can bring considerable business benefit.

Research can help you:

  • Make the right strategic decisions
  • Deliver the right messages to the right audiences
  • Differentiate your offering from the competition
  • Ensure that you get the maximum return from your marketing budget

We use various types of research, the majority qualitative, including focus groups, depth interviews, brainstormings and ideation workshops. We specialise in engaging with people to generate new perspectives and ideas, to focus energy and unlock strategic problems.

One of the key differences between the Dent Consultancy and traditional research companies is that we are not solely a research company, but also have considerable experience and expertise in strategy, branding and communication. This means that we make sure we ask the right questions, in the right way, to the right people and interpret the findings practically and commercially to deliver insights and specific recommendations that you can act on. Our approach is practical, not theoretical and, having initially been appointed to conduct a research project, we are frequently asked to help in other areas of the marketing mix, from strategy through to implementation.

For more information on how we might be able to help you, please call us on +44 (0)1525 221016 or email

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