With research completed, insights uncovered, strategy and branding in place, it’s time to tell people.


Communication is both internal and external. As everyone that works in an organisation is part of the overall brand, if not customer facing brands, it is critical that they understand the brand, live and breathe it. Hence the importance of good and inspiring internal communication. We call this cultural alignment and it should take place before the final part of building a world class brand – external engagement.

This is often called marketing, but we avoid using the work marketing as it too often causes companies to jump to the end of the process rather than focusing on the start. It’s a bit like a speech. If you were asked to speak to an audience and didn’t consider who they were, what they were interested in, what other communication they had already received, what might make it special for them, what you want to get out of making the speech, what you want them to do as a result of hearing what you have to say, etc. you might be in trouble on the podium!

A marketing strategy should follow a clear corporate strategy and brand strategy and should lead to a proper marketing plan. This is the best way not only to optimise business success, but also to minimise expenditure and is particularly important in today’s media environment where brand touchpoints appear in a myriad of places, from comments in social media to images taken by the general public.

A marketing plan needs to evaluate so many different options on the key axis of cost v return. An example of just how different these options could be is nicely demonstrated by this wonderful piece of brand promotion by Stride Gum (an American brand of chewing gum that we certainly hadn’t heard of until it sponsored this fantastic viral video):

Where the hell is Matt?

The Dent Consultancy helps organisations think more laterally and drive their businesses with great communication / marketing. Our focus is on delivering results and our approach is pragmatic rather than theoretical, accountable rather than abstract.

To discuss how we might be able to help you, please call us on +44 (0)1525 221016 or email branding@dentconsultancy.com.

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